Friday, December 3, 2010

SunlitGreen Photo Editor

There are image editors available for users of every skill level, from teens who just want to add some bling to professional photographers who have heavy-duty work to do. SunlitGreen PhotoEdit is a simple program designed for users who have a little bit of photographic knowledge but aren't quite ready for some of the more sophisticated, full-featured program. It delivers basic image correction tools without a lot of fuss.
The program's interface is plain and intuitive, with a handful of buttons across the top and the rest of the features arranged in menus. All the typical features are here: users can crop, rotate, resize, and duplicate images, as well as adjust levels, contrast and brightness, color balance, and hue and saturation. The program also features auto levels and auto contrast options for quick fixes without a lot of fiddling. There are filters to blur and sharpen images, but unlike many programs of this sort, SunlitGreen PhotoEdit doesn't offer any special effects; this is definitely not a program for those who want to get playful or artsy. Also, it doesn't have cloning or retouching tools. The program's built-in Help file is brief but adequate. Overall, SunlitGreen PhotoEdit is pretty bare bones, and it will likely disappoint users who are looking to do serious image correction or to have fun with their photos. But for basic image adjustments in a lightweight package, this program is just fine.
SunlitGreen PhotoEdit installs and uninstalls without issues. We recommend this program to all users.

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